Met this cute little red fox at Dragon Fyre Faire. (I know, we all want one, but they are illegal to keep in captivity in Idaho- the faire had to obtain special permits- and his handler let us all know why they do *not* make good pets. She is from Utah and has him for education purposes. So dang cute, though.)
My kids have been long-time fans of The Adventure Zone, so Child the Younger has decided the time has come to GM a game of our own. I am going to be a halfling thief named Magpie. I have NO idea what I'm doing, but it will be fun to see what this adventure brings!
Hooper Springs. It's super soothing to sit and listen to the water bubble up. Ran away to the mountains for the weekend. Hung out with family, and watched the Perseid meteor shower.
Julie's Tip Jar: