One of the education animals at our local zoo, Aggie the tortoise. Our zoo also serves as an animal sanctuary, and Aggie is the one of the animals to benefit from that.
When you're tidying up and come across that wedding invitation from your friends that was filled with glitter. :D
Youngest child loves crepes, so we looked up a recipe, went to the store, and now he's cooking dinner.
All packed and ready to go to Elko for a hockey tournament. Unfortunately, one of the kids ended up too sick to go, so two of us ended up staying at home :( while the other two headed off for an adventure.
Caring for an iguana means bringing along a reference chart so you can remember what is best for the darling Grumpus to eat!
Black licorice is one of those foods that people tend to be passionate about. They either really really love it, or the really really hate it. Me? I am obviously in the love camp. I love a really good licorice, but sometimes what you are craving is the box of red vines black licorice like you used to get at the movies.
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