Farewell to Sir Terry Pratchett. The most fitting tribute I can think of is a stack of our well-loved books. Thanks for the laughter and tears.
These are flowers from a plant that used to occupy a corner of my Nana and Grandpa's little white farmhouse. My mom now has two plants born of cuttings taken from it - these flowers are from the plant that lives atop the windowsill overlooking the backyard. (Right next to the Jade plant that was sad and dying after a year spent in my dorm room, and which has now flourished for years and years in my mom's care. I am coming to accept that I just do not have a green thumb.)
Took a daytrip over the weekend to visit the folks. This tree in their front yard used to be about the same height as me. As you can see, that has definitely changed since I was a kid!
Julie's Tip Jar: